Projects under implementation

Project Name:

Bridging regions

Contract No


Project Value:

EUR 1,016,252.86

EU funding

EUR 688,714.56


24 Months

Start Date

End Date



Implementing Agency / Contractor:

Municipality of Vitia, Kosovo – Lead Applicant

Direct Beneficiary:

·         Local inhabitants of Gostivar Municipality and Vitia Municipality (in total 128,412),

·         indirect beneficiaries are the population that lives along the course of the Vardar and Morava River, potential tourists within the Vitia and Gostivar region.


·         Municipality of Gostivar, North Macecdonia

·         Association of Citizens for Development of Democracy Initiative for European Perspective Skopje

Target Area:

Cross Border area

Municipality of Gostivar, North Macedonia

Municipality of Vitia, Kosovo

Overall Objective:

To contribute on reducing the environmental pollution and increasing the quality of life of the citizens in the border region of Kosovo and North Macedonia

Specific objective(s):

S01: To reduce river pollution through common actions for preventing illegal waste dump and

S02 To create preconditions for green transport for citizens

Target Group:

  • Local inhabitants of Municipality of Vitia (47,370 inhabitants) and Municipality of Gostivar (81,042 inhabitants), active citizens of both municipalities.
  • Students from Vitia and Gostivar (60);
  • Teachers from Vitia and Gostivar (20);
  • Environmental maintenance workers from public utilities of Vitia and Gostivar (50);
  • Women entrepreneurs;
  • People with disabilities;
  • Youth (50);
  • Local CSOs in both regions (at least 5-woman CSOs and CSO working with people with disabilities):
  • Long term unemployed (30);
  • Ethnic minorities (Roma community,
  • Informal waste collectors of plastic, metal and glass – 20);


Phase 1: Project set-up activities

0.1 Establishing of project team

0.2 Establishing of Advisory Board in Kosovo & North Macedonia

0.3 Kick-off meeting and launching press conference


R.1 Reduced illegal dumpsites and enhancement of the areas

1.1 Identifying and cleaning of illegal dumping sites for cleaning in both regions

with proper mechanization

1.2 Levelling the ground and preparing for implementing recreational parks within the area in both sides of the river Vardar, planting needed horticulture

1.3 Levelling the ground and preparing for implementing recreational spots within the area in one side of the river Morava, planting needed horticulture


R2 Creation of reliable infrastructure for enhancing environmental


2.1 Construction of pedestrian Bridge adapted for persons with special needs in

Gostivar and Buzovik bridge in Vitia

2.2 Training responsible staff for maintenance of the bridge

2.3 Implementing software and Visual Digital Display for counting the number of

people using the bridge in Gostivar

2.4 Construction of 400m pedestrian path of the Vardar River in Gostivar

2.5 Construction of 1300m pedestrian path of the Morava River in Vitia

2.6 Morava Riverbed paved with stones 760 m length

2.7 Construction of five septic holes in vicinity of river Morava for filtering the

wastewater from other flowing

2.8 Construction of one pilot septic hole in vicinity of river Vardar for filtering thewastewater from other flowing

R3. Providing of equipment for the sustainable creation of recreational sites

in Gostivar and Vitia that were affected from the solid waste

3.1 Procurement of benches (25 pcs), trashcans for selective waste (10 sets), and biking parking instalments (5 pcs) for park in Gostivar

3.2 Procurement and mounting of streetlights poles with LED + photovoltaic lights in Gostivar (60 pcs)

3.3 Installing of two cameras for live broadcasting from the sites

3.4 Construction of five resting wooden huts nearby Morava River and three

resting wooden huts in the Gostivar Park

3.5 Procurement of garbage bins for selective waste (5 sets)

R.4 Increased awareness of the population for environment protection

4.1 Kick-off meeting and launching press conference

4.2 Conference for presentation and discussion of the Environmental protection


4.3 Creation of Promotional vides for the promotion of environment protection.

4.4 Development of promotional material for the awareness campaign for the

environmental protection law

4.5 On the spot Campaign for benefits of clean areas

4.6 Social media campaign for protecting environment in alternative ways

4.7 Innovation Green Open Day for gathering innovative ideas for environment


4.8 Closing Conference for presentation of the outputs from the action and final

exhibition of the sale by women’s associations from the two countries Kosovo and North Macedonia, in rearranged location nearby Morava River


R.5 Raised capacity building of the stakeholders

A5.1 Developing and delivery of 2 courses for students regarding separate

collection of solid waste

A5.2 Developing and delivery of 2 courses for the environmental maintenance

workers regarding separate collection of solid waste


Result 3.1: Future interventions to address environmental pollution are well coordinated and harmonized, equally benefitting women and men.

Result 3.2: The management of solid waste and wastewater as well as sewage systems is improved, equally benefitting women and men

Expected outputs

EO1 Illegal dumpsites removed and arranged ground for recreation of the

pedestrians and cyclists

EO2 Small scale infrastructure works implemented – Construction of bridges,

septic holes and riverbed for better management for preventing environment


EO3 Most frequented city sites affected by solid waste are arranged and equipped with urban equipment

EO4 Environmental awareness raised for sustainable urban development

EO5 Increased capacities of the local institutions and youth to deal with the

problems related to environment protection


Project Name:

Be clean, be Green

Contract No


Project Value:

EUR 815,955.92

EU funding

EUR 603,039.00


20 Months

Start Date/End Date



Implementing Agency / Contractor:

Municipality of Aracinovo, North Macedonia – Lead Applicant


Direct Beneficiary:

·      Citizens of Municipality of Aracinovo, North Macedonia

·      Citizens of Municipality of Rahovec, Kosovo

·      Citizens of surrounding municipalities;

·      Inhabitants of the cross borders area


Municipality of Rahovec, Kosovo

NGO – Center for understanding and institutional cooperation – CUIC Skopje

NGO – Green Art Center Prishtina

Target Area:

Cross Border area

Municipality of Aracinovo, North Macedonia

Municipality of Rahovec, Kosovo

Overall Objective:

Supporting sustainable economic growth and strengthening social cohesion through protection of environment and efficient and rational utilisation of natural resources.

Specific objective(s):

Specific objective 1: Commence mandatory requirements to sort waste, and ensure that planned treatment infrastructure matches the sorting systems required by EU waste legislation;

Specific Objective 2: Strengthening of institutional capabilities towards the new models based on circular economy and provide equal opportunities for man and woman;

Target Group:

·         local authorities of the both municipalities,

·         waste and wastewater management public enterprises companies,

·         civil society organizations,

·         national and regional authorities of waste and waste water sector,

·         business entities;

·         inhabitants living in targeted area and inhabitants of surrounding municipalities.


Workplan 1:

1.1.1 Organization and delineation of responsibilities for implementation of the projects

1.2.1. Legal and regulatory mandate undertaken for sorting plant and waste water plants operational management;

1.3.1 Build and construct waste sorting plant with supporting amenities with the capacity of 8 tons to sort and select communal waste; Landscape amenities built around of the waste sorting plant; Procure and purchase the machinery & equipment for flows and sortation of the communal waste (Procurement and purchase of waste collection truck; procurement and purchase of waste collection bins for public institutions; procurement and purchase of waste composting bins for rural households, and procurement of waste collection truck with volume of 2.5m3); Mobilizing linkages and resources of the SWM with the recycling service station;

1.4.1 Build and Construct of Bio Sewage Systems in 6 (six) settlements in Rahovec with waste water treatment capacity 100m3.


Workplan 2:

2.1.1 Exchange of good international practices between local authorities on management of solid waste and waste water;

2.1.2 Development of the Waste management Plan for Aracinovo and Rahovec 2024-2030; Development of Strategy for Waste Water Management in Rahovec 2024-2030;

2.1.3. Prepare a yearly report: “Parameter: Municipal waste recycled (Aracinovo); Prepare a yearly report: “Parameter: Municipal waste water treated & reused”- Rahovec;

2.1.4 Development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) Aracinovo & Rahovec;

2.1.4 Capacity building of central and local authorities to enforce the law and regulations for eco-friendly environment


Workplan 3 include:

3.1 Awareness campaign organized in cross border region;

3.2 Promotional videos of the RRR (reduce, reuse and recycle);

3.3 EC clubs establish in public school take active part in project promotional activities;

3.4 Development of mobile application Be Clean, Be Green



R.1: Technical preconditions for waste sorting plant of municipal established in Aracinovo and Bio Sewage Systems;

R.2: Process of permanent education of key stakeholders in the integrated management of communal waste and waste water established;

R.3: The resident community acquainted with and awareness raised on clean environmental;

Project Name:

A Smart System for Early Floods Detection and Waste Monitoring in the Lepenec River Basin

Contract No


Project Value:

EUR 728,446.00

EU funding

EUR 619,179.10


24 Months

Start Date

End Date



Implementing Agency / Contractor:

Municipality of Hani i Elezit, Kosovo – Lead Applicant


Direct Beneficiary:

·         Local governments, households,

·         businesses,

·         landowners,

·         visitors,

·         local population of the Lepenec River area, and

·         NGOs,


·         International Institute for Development and Research ‘Dr. Jugoslav Achkoski – Skopje’ – 21DRJA, North Macedonia

·         Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Kosovo

·         Protection and Rescue Directorate, Skopje, North Macedonia

Target Area:

Gjorce Petrov, Zlokukjani, Orman (The Republic of North Macedonia, north-western part)

Kacanik, Shterpce, Hani i Elezit (The Republic of Kosovo, south-eastern part)

Overall Objective:

To increase resilience of Lepenec River Basin communities to flood disasters, contributing to sustainable and inclusive growth of prevention services.

Specific objective(s):

Specific objectives:

1. To improve waste management system in the CB region reducing a serious flood-related threat to communities as illegal dumpsites and harmful debris flows.

2. To create a basin scale flash flood early warning and public alert system towards flood risk management planning in line with EU Flood Directive;

3. To empower authorities and communities in the CB region to better understand, prepare for and respond to flood risks and prevention.

Target Group:

Municipality of Hani i Elezit (KOS),

• Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (KOS),

• Directorate for Protection and Rescue (MKD),

• International Institute for Development and Research “Dr. Jugoslav Achkoski” Skopje,

• public utility companies, hydrometeorology agencies


1.1.1. Purchasing, operationalizing and placement of waste collection equipment (waste collection vehicles and plastic waste containers);

1.1.2. Developing and implementing of a local IT supported waste

management platform.

2.1.1. Purchasing and operationalizing of a smart early detection, monitoring and public-alert system package: UAVs with integrated surveillance cameras, river level sensors, fixed (mounting) cameras for registering illegal activities that can cause river pollution and flood, and supporting technical equipment for the IT system implementation;

2.2.1. Preparing an Analysis on collected filed data detecting different harmful and hazardous impacts and mapping of hot spots vulnerable to floods and unregulated waste accumulation;

2.2.2. Preparing and establishing a Joint Flood Risk Managing Plan for the Lepenec River Basin region, including measures, priorities, financial implications and recommendations.

3.1.1. Creating CB Network of concerned local and national authorities in flood risk prevention;

3.1.2. Creating and providing training curricula on designed protocols for prevention and flood crisis emergencies, and for integrated smart flood prevention system.

3.2.1. Information dissemination and practical exercises with local population in affected urban areas close to identified hot spots of high flood risk.

3.3.1. Implementing reforestation of mountain area with settlements, as an anti-erosive measure;

3.3.2. Cleaning the dumps near the rural settlements which affect

the Lepenec Riverbed.



Result 3.1: Future interventions to address environmental pollution are well coordinated and harmonised, equally benefitting women and men.

Result 3.2: The management of solid waste and wastewater as well as sewage systems is improved, equally benefitting women and men


Main outputs:

1.1. The waste collection service along the river basin is improved in terms of effectiveness and efficiency;

1.2. The illegal waste dumping, the agricultural and industry work close to the river are monitored, including in hard-to-reach terrains, to prevent river pollution and possible flood.


2.1. The river’s water level and the condition of the reiver-bed are monitored 24/7 for early prevention and detection of floods by delivering data in real-time through operational long-term smart early warning and monitoring system;

2.2. A Joint Flood Risk Management Action Plan for CB area is established based on analyze of the real-time data collected, detecting the hot spots, defining measures and propose recommendations.

3.1. Authorities are equipped with new knowledge to mainstream flood risk mitigation and Disaster Risk Reduction as an integral part of social and economic development.


3.2. Flood disaster response capacity is improved through public awareness campaigns on early warning system and inclusive drills.

3.3. Rural communities have increased resilience to floods through

practical application of targeted measures.


Finalized projects

Thematic Priority:                  Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions:   Municipality of Viti – Lead Partner

                                                    Municipality of Kriva Palanka – Partner



Duration:                                18 months

Project value:                         EUR 312,917.09

EU Contribution:                    EUR 195,510.60

Co-financing:                          EUR 117,406.49

The joint action “Tourism without borders” between Municipality of Viti, Republic of Kosovo, and

Municipality of Kriva Palanka, Republic of Macedonia, came as result of direct meetings and discussions between mayors from  both municipalities.  Both mayors agreed to jointly prepare this action proposal, which will be focused in promoting tourism and natural heritage, considered vital for long term development of both municipalities. Therefore, as such, the main objective of the action aims at improving current conditions and infrastructure in both municipalities in order to enhance and further promote tourism and natural heritage in two municipalities, but not only.

Subsequently, as result of the action, tourism potentials in both municipalities are enhanced and regional values further promoted.

Municipality of Viti is located in South- East of Kosovo, bordering with Republic of Macedonia, with around 50,000 inhabitants. Among many natural resources for development of tourism in the municipality, Morava e Binces river is among few with great potentials for promoting tourism, natural heritage, mountaineering activities, and healthy living in general River runs in the middle of the territory of Viti municipality and since forever has been of paramount importance for development of agriculture and providing potable water for famers and citizens of the municipality. In addition to that, lately, the river has been identified as an attractive touristic asset for the municipality given the interest of visitors in visiting the river all the way from its source in the mountains. The whole path (riverbed), of around 10 km, runs through mountains and valley, which makes it especially attractive for lovers of walking in nature, outdoor activities, and researchers interested in natural heritage. Nevertheless, lack of financial resources by the Municipality of Viti to invest in the improvement of the infrastructure has prevented full exploration and exploitation of these resources by tourists and visitors.

Furthermore, in addition to natural resources described above, there are other cultural and touristic sites in the municipality, which might be very attractive for tourists and visitors not only from Kosovo but also from Europe, but are not fully exploited by tourists due to lack of expertise and trained staff in the management and provision of tourism services and products. One cultural attraction to mention is the “Black Maddona” day in village Letnica on 15th of August, where around 10,000 catholic pilgrims, from Kosovo and whole Europe, are gathered to perform religious rituals.

Municipality of Kriva Palanka is located in North- East of Republic of Macedonia, close to the border with Republic of Serbia and Republic of Bulgaria, with around 21,000 inhabitants. It is widely known for its natural resources attractive for tourists and visitors. Cross-border region Kosovo Macedonia has a great variety of cultural and natural heritage tourism attractions. Unfortunately all that tourist treasure has been abandoned or not well maintained for decades. The region with its stunning landscapes ensure plenty of pleasant moments for road-testing a range of outdoor adventures on a scene that has huge potential but is still largely managed by enthusiasts.

Overall objective:  

Encouraging tourism, culture and natural heritage

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Municipalities of Viti and Kriva Palanka,
  • Mountaineering clubs,
  • other sport clubs travel agencies, citizens, visitors


  • 30 people trained (15 males and 15 females, between 25-40) in the management and provision of tourism services and products
  • 100% of increase in the number of visitors in the cultural and natural sites
  • increase the # of historical and/or cross border formalized networks between cultural institutions
  • Sidewalk from Bridge Gmi to Bince to improved
  • embankments of river, light, seats, and greening of areas constructed
  • Agriculture path reconstructed
  • Sidewalk reconstructed

Thematic Priority:                              Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions:                Union-National Council for Gender Equality – Lead Partner

                                                                 Centre for Women Dera e Hapur – Partner



Duration:                                            20 months

Project value:                                     EUR 228,945.60

EU Contribution:                                EUR 179,264.40

Co-financing:                                     EUR 49,681.20

This action will be implemented through activities to promote equal opportunities for marginalized groups through fostering gender balance and encouraging involvement of women and youth society level on introducing traditional, cultural and national values of Kosovo and Macedonia.

Action specific objectives will be undertaken to improve tourism services by promoting and preserving in particular the intangible cultural heritage values through encouraging involvement of grass root communities, local, regional, national institutions and business community in developing and expending business opportunities and trade relations. Artisanal artists around the bordering area will increase their capacities through valorisation and marketing of their products. Through this action the entrepreneurial skills of the targeted groups and the quality of touristic offers will highly improve and become more competitive. On the other hand the traditional handicrafts and culinary services will be preserved and promoted.

This way the overall impact of the action will contribute to the diversification of the touristic offer, economic growth and overall socioeconomic development in the Northern region of Macedonia and the East economic Region of Kosovo.

Overall objective:  Fostering gender balance and youth society level by encouraging the involvement of women and youth in the introduction of the cultural, traditional and national values of Kosovo and Macedonia

Specific objectives:

  • Facilitation of trade cooperation through promotion of traditional, cultural and national handicrafts
  • Generating self-employment opportunities through preservation and promotion of traditional handicrafts

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Women, youth, and minorities,
  • handicrafts producers and entrepreneurs


  • Generating self-employment opportunities for women and youth through preservation and promotion of traditional handicrafts
  • Facilitation of trade cooperation through promotion of traditional cultural and national handicrafts
  • 150 direct beneficiaries trained in weaving, embroidery and bead-work
  • 200 participants (women and youth) in training and capacity building schemes interested in creating tourism startups
  • 30 of the women and youth participants (disaggregated by gender and age) in training capacity building schemes interested in creating or developing a tourism products or services in rural and natural protected areas
  • 150 women and youth trained in management and provision of tourism products on intangible cultural heritage assets
  • 6 promotion campaigns and events organized to raise awareness for the tourism products
  • Folk dance and Food Festival organized across the border to promote the values of cultural heritage
  • 60 new supported artisan’s products commercialized
  • 20 new creative enterprises run by young people or women
  • 150 women and youth population of rural areas within the targeted area benefiting from the improved network and cooperation possibilities for the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage

60 new handicrafts products available in the market and an increase in the workforce with at least 55 new artisans providing new products and services within the intangible cultural heritage

Thematic Priority:                  Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions:    DTTU Radika Rezor Dooel – Lead Partner

                                                     Maja e zeze Limited Liability Company – Partner


Duration:                                18 months

Project value:                         EUR 386,054.56

EU Contribution:                    EUR 200,000.00

Co-financing:                          EUR 186,054.56

The project is based on existing potentials of the both tourism businesses (Radika and Maja e Zeze) in bordering areas, the main challenges and shortcomings that are impacting sustainable and social economic development of the area. In addition, the selected thematic priority encompass subject matters and types of interventions of common interest, benefiting a broad spectrum of institution organization and businesses located on both sides of the border.

Enhancing rural tourism in cross-border region through engagement of two businesses in development of attraction points and improving quality of products and services will promote joint initiatives and integrated actions in to sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage resources, and fostering tourism development as one of the most important economic sectors furthering economic growth and better living conditions of the community.

The proposed project is in correlation with the specific objectives the tourism potential are enhanced and regional values further promoted through achieving the proposed results are in full harmony with the cross-border countries’ objective to increase contribution in sustainable employment, rural tourism, and economic growth of Macedonia and Kosovo as well as.

In general, the actions relevant to specific themes on Tourism potentials are enhanced and regional values further promoted which will:

  • promote employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border;
  • encourage and improve joint protection of the environment, promote climate change adaptation and mitigation and prevent and manage environmental risks;
  • encourage tourism and cultural and natural heritage;
  • support links between relevant institutions/organizations from both side of the border; have partners from both sides of the border.

Overall objective: Enhancing rural tourism in cross border region through engagement of two businesses in development of attraction points and improving the quality of products and services

Specific objectives:       

  • Diversifying rural tourism attraction of two regions through expanding cross –border tourism packages offers
  • Improving infrastructure of businesses’ areas by rehabilitation and small scale construction

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Local businesses, rural community of Mavrovo and Gjilan;
  • Radika Resort and Maja e Zeze


  • Improved infrastructure and rehabilitated areas of businesses
  • 29 new employees in businesses
  • 2 new handicrafts association access to tourist with their products
  • cooperation with 2 artisans and handicrafts organizations
  • cooperation with skiing, hiking, fishing and hunting organization
  • 70 employee trained in culinary customer care services
  • increased scale of promotion of cross border tourist attraction with cross border tourist packages
  • Exchange of expertise between businesses
  • Increase income of businesses for at least 10%
  • Resource optimization

Thematic Priority:                              Enhancing competitiveness, business and SME development, trade and investments

Implementing institutions:                Municipality of Gjilan – Lead Partner

                                                                 Municipality of Kumanovo – Partner 



Duration:                                            18 months

Project value:                                     EUR 324,766.11

EU Contribution:                                EUR 196,905.70

Co-financing:                                      EUR 127,860.41

Municipality of Gjilan, as well as Municipality of Kumanovo are facing the obstacles with their markets where it affects its sellers and farmers. In one side Gjilan’s green market is functional since 1960, since that time been some minor improvements as a result of lack of stalls some of the sellers use sidewalks where their fresh product is exposed to the sun, especially during the summer season. In other side,

Municipality of Kumanovo, has similar issue with its green market, since the one has been established since 1989. Even though, there are engagements in ensuing better conditions in the markets for customers there has been identified some crucial interventions that will contribute in advancing markets in both sides with the purpose to give better conditions to the market traders in one side and reducing costs in maintain markets in other side. In order to achieve the proposed objectives there has been identified pre-project situation that is in line with the Cross-border call. Municipality of Gjilan has 239 closed stalls and 237 opened stalls where is lack of infrastructure and sector organizing inside the area. Municipality of Kumanovo has 589 stalls in markets, where there is situation in need to reduce the energy use and introduce of energy efficiency; reduce of waste and pollution, building local potential and adding economic value to the local level.

Nowadays, advanced commercial shopping centres have created some difficulties in sales, since they have created more attractive places and as a result, most of the products are imported from the other countries. The reason behind this is because the producers from other countries have more experience in grading and are more organized with documentation and other tax and administrative procedures, as a result some farmers have facing obstacles in selling their products. Therefore, intervention in improving infrastructure, training farmers in grading and entrepreneurship together with branding fresh products of the cross-border region and promotion and organizing cross-border region fairs for fresh products will bring back trust of the local producers and the same will increase consumption of the fresh products for the local consumers that is in high demand.

Overall objective: Maximizing sales and profit of farmers local fresh products in Municipality of Gjilan and Municipality of Kumanovo through organizing advanced green market

Specific objectives:       

  • Advancing and improving fresh products market points for farmer’s local products
  • Branding local products through trainings and legalizing farmers businesses to ease sales

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Local products consumers.
  • Fruit, vegetable and diary small businesses,
  • Department of agriculture


  • Reconstructed 2 green markets in both municipalities
  • 2 mobile green markets created to increase employment opportunities for young and marginalized groups
  • At least 40 new farmer’s businesses established
  • Created cross-border brand for fresh local products
  • Trained at least 100 participants in grading products
  • Trained at least 100 participants in entrepreneurship
  • Promoted and uniformed local market sellers
  • At least 20 B2B cross border contracts signed for fresh local products to intensify trade
  • Increased profit and sales of the farmers

Thematic Priority:                               Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions:               Kosovo Foundation for Cultural Heritage Without Borders – CHWB Kosovo

Association for promotion of sustainable development Institute Balkan pro Europe Skopje (IBPE)


Duration:                                               24 months

Project value:                                       EUR 234,133.12

EU Contribution:                                  EUR 199,013.15

Co-financing:                                        EUR 35,119.97

The platform Local Cultural Heritage Forum through a series of meetings, workshops and study visits, will draft a local Heritage priority List for the cultural heritage, taking into consideration the needs and priorities of the relevant municipalities in the East and South Economic Regions in Kosovo and Skopje and Northeast Region in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Local Cultural Heritage Forums will create favorable conditions for strengthening the capacity and mobilization of the civil society.  CSOs will have the opportunity to be an active part of the decision making for the local priorities in the field of culture and natural heritage.

Overall objective:  To contribute to the establishment of favorable conditions for social cohesion, cooperation and cultural exchange between institutional and CSO representatives from Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


Specific objectives:

  1. To create conditions for inclusive engagement of institutional and CSO representatives, through the establishment of Local Cultural  Heritage Forums in partner municipalities in the cross border region
  2. To encourage communication, increase trust and urge people to people initiatives in the cross border region by supporting joint actions in the area of cultural and natural heritage protection and promotion.


Direct Beneficiaries:

  • CSO representatives,
  • Central level institutions and municipality officers’ representatives from 6 municipalities in Cross border region.


  • Establishment and functionalizing of Local Cultural Heritage Forums in 6 respective municipalities from cross-border region each consisted of 15 members( 6 municipalities – 90 members)
  • Enhanced communication, cooperation and capacities of 6 Local Cultural Heritage Forums through joint efforts of cross-border partnerships
  • Implemented six (6) community-oriented projects for rehabilitation of cultural heritage and awareness on environment protection

Thematic Priority:                              Enhancing competitiveness, business and SME development, trade and investment

Implementing institutions:                Kreacija Association of Business and consultants – ZBK Kreacija Skopje

Advocacy training and resource center – ATRC Prishtina, Kosovo

Association for development initiatives ZENITH – Association ZENITH Skopje


Duration:                                            24 months

Project value:                                     EUR 226,663.38

EU Contribution:                                EUR 192,641.21

Co-financing:                                      EUR 34,022.17

The EU reports for Macedonia and Kosovo express concerns on serious challenges in developing their competitiveness and ability to cope with market pressures relater to EU accession. Despite some improvements in investment climate and the infrastructure of both countries and their cross-border areas, the exports are still predominantly dominated by low value added goods and lack of innovation, leading to problems with high unemployment, low participation rates of the labour market especially among woman and youth and migration to mire developed regions and countries. The potentials of the creative industries in both countries are yet adequately utilized. Among these innovative industries the handicraft sector draws attention as one which requires little start up investment and is characterized with growing foreign markets with high profit margins. Competitiveness and innovation in this sector is dependent on ability of artisans to interact and fuse skills, design philosophies, production techniques and branding approaches as well as on their ability to cluster and cooperate in building support common structures. Artisans need support in offering products based on product differentiation strategy, developing market access infrastructure and logistics.


Overall objective: Contribute to economic development and social inclusion in the cross border area of the East Region in Kosovo as well as the Northeast and Skopje Region in Macedonia through income generation of start-ups and micro enterprises

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Handicraft artisans and microenterprises in the region of the two countries
  • Citizens interested to start up handicraft production/sale
  • Export support structures for handicraft artisans including artisan chambers and associations on national and local level in cbc area
  • Municipal bodies for local economic development and centers for development of regions (East Region in Kosovo and Northeast and Skopje Region in Macedonia


  • One Market research of the handicraft export market available through online selling produced
  • One Research on the potentials, challenges and support services for mass handicraft design and production in the Macedonia – Kosovo Cross border area produced
  • 6 courses for 166 participants realized
  • 166 toolkits for participants prepared
  • 100 coaching session in both countries
  • Handicraft collection of 100 models suitable for export developed
  • Joint Network of handicraft artisans in the Cross border area created
  • 2 cooperatives for support in design, promotion, sales and delivery established
  • 2 business plans for the cooperatives prepared
  • Online shop in English and other key languages created
  • Products promoted on international handicraft e-marketing platform
  • One promotional campaign ( 6 promotional videos, 300 promotional photos, social media advertising)
  • Two selling exhibitions organized

Thematic Priority:                               Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions:                Center for sustainable development ALKA Skopje                                                                                 Shoqata Aplinistike Marimangat e Pejes  – Kosovo

                                                                Shoqata bjeshkatare SHARRI Prizren, Kosovo

Association for alternative Balkan tourism Balkanija Skopje, Macedonia –


Duration:                                               24 months

Project value:                                       EUR 229,888.90

EU Contribution:                                 EUR 195,400.00

Co-financing:                                        EUR 34,488.90

Tourism signifies the third largest economic sector in EU and despite challenges such as the economic crisis, it still predicted to grow. Moreover, tourism in format of rural regional tours is getting event higher viable niche in overall tourism sector. Promoting concept of rural regional routes and promoting existing tourism services, cultural and natural resources along the routes represents a package that is wanted and familiar in many EU countries. In the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ad Kosovo, local/rural tourism has various forms (agro/eco-tourism) cultural/monastery, wilderness hunting, spa and more). But is a small and well below its real potentials.

Mapping, arranging and then promoting the existing and potential routes or regional routes will provide an opportunity to join all tourism services and tourism forms into a one well established regional tourism offer. Also the existing knowledge of the local tourist animators/guides can be properly challenged and upgraded into a better service. Local rural facilities appropriate for accommodation will get opportunity to raise awareness of their own potential for further economic growth by offering higher and various quality services.

Local capacities for sustainable development of all mentioned and related sectors, independently is inhibited by the size of the countries such as Macedonia and Kosovo. Knowledge about the reliance of the related sectors, and the overall experience of the projects partners in tourism and its field practices made the project team to believe that efforts should be made to develop economically/environmentally sound action which will use the same physical spaces and natural resources much more efficiently.

Overall objective:  Enhance tourism potential and promote regional values of CB region.

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Mountaineering clubs, hiking clubs, touristic guides
  • Touristic service providers
  • other sport clubs travel agencies, citizens, visitors


  • One research on touristic offers in from CB region (Polog Region and Prizren District)
  • 20 new touristic routes detected and ID prepared for each
  • GPS marking for 20 routes
  • 20 physical signs will be put in the beginning of each route
  • Joint database of containing the ID of touristic routes and scanned GPS coordinates  prepared
  • Advisory  support programme for facilities and households developed and prepared
  • Touristic guides Manual developed and prepared
  • 1000 Touristic guides Manuals printed
  • One website for rural tourism promotion launched
  • Promotional campaign for routes, cultural and natural heritage and service providers
  • Printed maps of all identified routes
  • 6 videos promoting attractive touristic spots

Thematic Priority:                                Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions:                CeProSard – Center for promotion of sustainable agricultural practices and rural development – Skopje

                                                                Regional Development Agency South – RDA South Kosovo

                                                                 Municipality of Tetovo – Macedonia


Duration:                                               24 months

Project value:                                       EUR 200,924.50

EU Contribution:                                  EUR 149,005.60

Co-financing:                                        EUR 51,918.90 

The action “Fostering rural and environmental tourism through SMART touristic information centres FRET-STIC” proposes establishment of four networked tourism information centers (TIC) in cross border region set in Sharra, employing a common operational platform – involving standardized business processes, as well as a software platform to support the concept.

Overall objective:  Development, promotion and presentation of local and regional tourism through innovative approached and systems for improved rural and environmental experiences

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Tourism information Centers
  • Local Authorities
  • Agencies for regional development
  • Agencies for tourism and culture,

CSOs, SMEs, Cluster of tourism, Chamber of Commerce



  • Networked SMART touristic information centres, running a mutual platform based on standardized business processes and on existing touristic information platforms
  • Designed business processes to effectively and efficiently serve tourists through STICs, as well as collect data on their behaviour and preferences.
  • Trained staff on both sides of the region to perform on STICs.
  • Create digital matrix on mapped tourism infrastructure and events in Sharra, including marked/unmarked pedestrian trails, signalling, lodging, eateries, other POIs and events
  • Created materials on contents for promotion of the cross border tourism in Sharra
  • Trained TIC’s, municipal, regional agencies, CSO’s staff on smartly serving/collecting data on tourist, as well tourism products created from the matrices. 

Thematic Priority:      Encouraging tourism, cultural and natural heritage

Implementing institutions: 

Lead Partner:             Kosovo Foundation for Cultural Heritage without Borders, CHwB

Partner:                      Foundation for development of small and medium enterprises – Skopje





Duration:                     24 months

Project value:              EUR 348,285.00

EU Contribution:        EUR 284,078.00

Co-financing:              EUR   64,207.00


Kosovo and FYROM are no exception in the shared common history and rich cultural heritage of the Western Balkans, yet, the political climate in the Balkans has at times hindered the process of acknowledgement and acceptance of common values.


Cultural heritage is widely seen as means for strengthening cooperation between communities and building social cohesion while aiming sustainable economic growth through joint efforts. Despite the large number of monuments of cultural heritage in Kosovo and Macedonia, the role of cultural heritage in social, cultural and economic development remains small.


The number of employees in the tourism sector is very low. Kosovo’s GDP comes only 3.6% from tourism while for Macedonia the share is 5.2%.


For most of cultural heritage sites, the public knows very little about, including the local and international tourists. Most of these buildings are inaccessible, closed to the public, while the open ones do not provide enough information about their history and values. There is a lack of basic information including the name of the building, the protection status and the schedule of visits. Furthermore, these sites do not have any relation or connection between them. Institutions were not able to make any thematic interrelationship between different sites, although they might origin from the same period, belong to a same style or interpret a same story.


Mother Teresa is a global symbol of love and peace, but her life is often subject to biased interpretations, resulting in tensed rhetoric among some communities in Kosovo and Macedonia. Utilization of a Cultural Route that shows Mother Teresa’s early years would bring an opportunity for the sites related to her early life to be officially evidenced. Additionally, all relevant actors would sit together and reach an agreement on the historical facts surrounding her life. The concerned actors would act as a platform for cooperation and look into the opportunities of what their partnership can bring in terms of improvement of wellbeing of the community and share the responsibilities for the management and operation of the route. The actions proposed for the operation of the Cultural Route will substantially contribute towards the stimulation of sustainable economic growth and the improvement of the quality of life for the communities of the affected municipalities through the promotion of culture for generation of employment opportunities, creation of new businesses, development of the labour skills and relevant competences of the community in running small and medium size businesses.

The preliminary search that we have conducted show that the sites that are subject to the early life of Mother Teresa extend in the region covered by this call for applications, more specifically the municipalities in the City of Skopje and Cucer Sandevo Municipality in FYROM and the municipalities of Viti/Vitina and Prizren in Kosovo.


Overall objective:  Contribute in strengthening the cooperation between the institutions, the CSOs and the community in Kosovo and FYROM through recognition of shared values towards joint economic growth


Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Cross border community
  • Business organizations – SME and CSO
  • Touristic service providers
  • other sport clubs travel agencies, citizens, visitors



  • Cultural Route Mother Teresa Stakeholder Group Created
  • One booklet (1000 pieces) for sites related to Mother Theresa
  • Promotional video to be produced showing the restored sites of the Cultural Route Mother Teresa
  • restoration works on minimum 2 sites of cultural heritage along the Route
    1. Mother Teresa Museum in Prizren (established)
    2. Renovated the Letnica Monastery in Vitinje
    3. Renovated the Saint Panteleimon Monastery in Skopje
  • cultural heritage sites related to Mother Theresa mapped in the cross border municipalities of City of Skopje, Cucer Sandevo, Viti/Vitina and Prizren
  • 60 people trained on Elements of the Cultural Route Mother Teresa”
  • GIS database with information on sites of interest created

Thematic Priority:     Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management

Implementing institutions:   Municipality of Gazi Baba – Lead Partner

                                                    Municipality of Hani i Elezit – Partner



Duration:                                18 months

Project value:                         EUR 386,592.08

EU Contribution:                    EUR 309,273.00

Co-financing:                          EUR 77,319.08


The background to the preparation of the action is based on the Municipal “Strategy of the Local Economy Development” and the document “Objectives of the development program” from Municipality of Gazi Baba and on the “Strategy of socio-economic development of Hani i Elezit” from Municipality of Hani i Elezit. Main focus in the “Objectives of the development program” from Municipality of Gazi Baba is given to improvement to the quality of life of the inhabitants of rural settlements located on the slopes of Skopska Crna Gora, through the construction of the primary sewage system by the end of 2020; to create communal preconditions for dynamic rural development of settlements spread on the slopes of Skopska Crna Gora; protection of the environment and health of the inhabitants of the rural settlements, to create assumptions for the development of the local economy through the construction of the primary fecal network. The “Strategy of socio-economic development of Hani i Elezit” from municipality of Hani i Elezit provides analyses for the content of this action, the analyses mainly focused in the social development and wastewater and sewage system improvements. The proposed project is based on the priority adaptation option identified in the Local Environment Action Plan 2013-2019 of Municipality of Gazi Baba, specifically identification and assessment of environment conditions and fecal and atmospheric sewage treatment of wastewater. In the same line Local Environment Action Plan 2012-2017 of the Municipality of Hani i Elezit presents contexts and bases for the design of the action to protect the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management.


Overall objective:  Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management

Direct Beneficiaries:

Municipalities of Gazi Baba and Hani i Elezit, respectively

  • 2100 inhabitants in the v. Secishte in municipality of Hani I Elezit and
  • 345 inhabitants in the v. Smilkovci municipality of Gazi Baba



  • Improvements of sewage system in municipality of Gazi Baba v. Smilkovci as a result of reconstruction of network sewage system,


  • Strengthened capacities of institutions by organized and delivered workshops in relation to “Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaption and mitigation and risk prevention” for both CB area partners


  • Development and production of new Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP) 2020-2026 as a continuation of the old LEAP (2013-2019) for Municipality of Gazi Baba, and for municipality of Hani i Elezit (2020 – 2025), continuation of old LEAP (2012-2017)


  • Awareness of a cleaner environment, and project lessons learned widely shared

Thematic Priority:     Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management

Implementing institutions:   P.E. Hidromorava Gjilan – Lead Partner

                                                    P.E. Vodovod Kumanovo – Partner



Duration:                                20 months

Project value:                         EUR 553,319.36

EU Contribution:                    EUR 470,000.00

Co-financing:                          EUR 83,319.36


From previous feasibility analysis yearly atmospheric rainfall average rainfalls in the cross-border area are 640mm/year, the most raining periods are during November and December, the better use of atmospheric rainfall and prevention of flooding in the cities is in high important for both public utility companies.

Both partners of the proposed action are experienced in wastewater/sewage and water supply.

Regional Public Utility Enterprise Hidromorava was founded in 1940 with purpose of water supply. Today it is registered as a joint stock company, wholly owned by the Kosovo’s Governement. The Company manages and operates the water and wastewater systems in six municipalities (Gjilan, Kamenica, Ranilug, Partes, Kllokot and Vitia) serving a total of 19,110 households. Its water division produces 7.6 million m3 of drinking water per year and collects 2.7 million m3 of wastewater.

Public Enterprise Vodovod Kumanovo was founded in 1956 for the purpose of performing economic activity of public interest in the area of water supply and sewerage by the Municipality of Kumanovo. Main activities of Public Utility Enterprise are: water supply of Kumanovo area, drainage of wastewater and stormwater maintenance.

The both partners with their experts have prepared technical documentation in one side Regional Public Utility Company “Hidromorava” and in other side Public Utility Company “Vodovod”- Kumanovo in order to successfully implement successfully the action as well as to achieve the proposed objectives.


Overall objective:  Enhancement of environment pollution in cross-border area

Specific Objectives:

  • Small scale intervention on decreasing soil contamination through small scale intervention on dividing wastewater and atmospheric rainfall.


  • Managing atmospheric rainfall to prevent flood in cross-border area.


  • Introduction of good practices in area of wastewater/sewage system management and promote environmental impact in cross border areas.

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Citizens of Municipality of Gjilan and Municipality of Kumanovo,
  • Rural farmers,
  • businesses in cross-border area



  • Divided wastewater and atmospheric rainfall in Livoci River that leads to Morava River
  • The arable land of Region of Gjilan with surface of 6 Ha will increase agriculture productivity
  • No flooding in the oldest part of the city of Kumanovo
  • Improved atmospheric sewage at Bratstvo Edinstvo street,
  • Improved atmospheric sewage from street Done Bozinov to street 11 October to the city stadium


  • Prevention of flooding for number of households as well as “Sinolicka” building, Old Peoples’ house “Zafir Sajto, Bus station and other objects.


  • Established new method of controlling and monitoring pollution at Public Utility Enterprises in cross-border area.
  • Rising awareness to population of cross-border areas with purpose to prevent future pollution of rivers and land.

Thematic Priority:     Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management

Implementing institutions:   Municipality of Gjilan, Kosovo – Lead Partner

                                                    Municipality of Kumanovo, North Macedonia – Partner



Duration:                                20 months

Project value:                         EUR 477,144.92

EU Contribution:                    EUR 350,000.00

Co-financing:                          EUR 127,144.92


The action’s goal is promotion and increment of the value of cultural heritage, both of the single monument and the whole urban unit. It will also increase the number and quality of museum products and services and significant growth in visiting numbers is expected in the period after the project is completed. By following relevant national and European strategies for cultural sector, new trends of museum development in the 21st century and social responsibility linked with users and audience, the museum aims to provide answers to new approaches, especially those connected to economic impact and linked with cultural tourism


The key stakeholders of the action are local governance institutions in particular the Departments for Cultural and Sports, Departments for economic development, Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development, regional development agencies, Local women and youth NGO’s, Chambers of commerce of the targeted municipalities and regions. It is foreseen to formalize cooperation between the project and abovementioned institutions. In this manner, the project will be sustainable to avoid any obstacles which may occur while also having a wider impact on sector development of both targeted countries.

During the pre-project preparation phase consultation, meetings have been held with all relevant stakeholders and all of them have shown their willingness and readiness to collaborate and contribute to the implementation of this action. Some of the stakeholders have experience with cross-border concept and project preparation and implementation. The stakeholders have committed themselves to strongly support implementation of this action. During the implementation phase of the project it is foreseen to regularly update the stakeholders on project progress through regular meetings. The stakeholders will participate in the action’s milestone events and will be members of Intangible Cultural Heritage Cross border cooperation body. With their extensive experience, they will assist on providing data and information from the field, diligently help to implement the planned project activities and establish a sense of successful cooperation between the target groups in both countries.


Overall objective:  Bring investments and marketing into the cross-border area to promote it as a tourism destination and enhance cultural and natural heritage values through conservation and restoration of an old building and establishing traditional cultural events in the cross-border area


Specific Objectives:

  • Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites to develop economic activities for women and youth by promoting intangible and tangible cultural heritage


  • Improving the conditions of cultural outdoor localities for developing traditional cultural events in cross border area


  • Promoting cultural heritage and tourism in cross-border region


Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Youth, Youth Associations of the East Economic Region of Kosovo and North-East Region of North Macedonia and High School Students
  • Children, preschoolers; Elementary School Pupils
  • Women and minorities, population of targeted municipalities
  • Handicraft producers and entrepreneurs of the East Economic Region of Kosovo and North-East Region of North Macedonia



  • One conserved and restored cultural heritage site adapted to the Ethnographic Museum, fostering economic activity for women, youth by promoting intangible and tangible cultural heritage.


  • One improved location for developing sports and traditional, cultural events in cross-border area.
  • Increased promotion of the cultural heritage in the cross-border area.

Thematic Priority: Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management

Implementing Institutions:    Municipality of Ferizaj, Kosovo – Lead Applicant

Municipality of Cair, Skopje, North Macedonia

Business Support Centre Kosovo







Duration:                                18 Months

Project Value:                         EUR 423,038.10

EU Contribution:                    EU 352,517.65

Co-financing:                          EU 70,521


Western Balkan governments, including those of Kosovo and North Macedonia have committed to pursuing a clean energy transition and sustainable development initiated in year 2019. This transition includes reduce energy imports, develop renewable energy sources, strengthen regional energy security, unlock greater economic growth, and address persistent air and related health pollution challenges.

According to Green Agenda for WB countries, the IPA beneficiaries are encouraged to develop energy efficiency and renewable energy sources and to shift to resource-efficient, safe, and sustainable low-carbon economies in line with the wider EU targets for climate action and environmental protection. Additionally, by investing in energy efficiency epitomizes local government stewardship of tax cash therefore local governments are rocketing the initiative energy efficiency in taxpayer-funded facilities that are frequently visited by the public, such as schools, kindergarten city halls and public libraries

So, ensuring climate change policy coherence at all levels of governance is essential to achieving better synergies between the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable socioeconomic development, and to reduce trade-offs between them. Increasing the focus of local administration reform assistance in both municipalities on policy coherence and the green growth dimension in particular will make a major contribution to the Green Agenda for Western Balkan implementation and by the proposed action into cross border area.

The Ferizaj and Cair municipalities they have identified and planned to execute initiatives to reduce environmental impact and save tax payer dollars throughout on below type/ levels of investments:


Overall Objective: Cross Border Programme area benefiting from enforcement of environmental protection standards and values.


Direct Beneficiaries:

Community members of Ferizaj and Cair municipalities, inhabitants of the cross borders area and renewable energy innovators.



R.1.1: Generated resources for energy efficiency, promoted and sustainably used in public economies in line with WB Green Agenda;

R.1.2: Eco-friendly & energy efficiency sources improved, by investments in eight (8)) public educational buildings in Ferizaj and Çair municipalities;

R.1.3: Enhanced and apply up taken the best available techniques from Pan-European Networks for public premises;

R.1.4: Municipal mechanisms strengthened within cross border cooperation to address EU soil Thematic Strategy

  1. 2.1: Mitigation and Sustainable Development promoted to/by the pupils;
  2. 2.2: Information exchange activities and trainings conducted through public awareness campaigns and pilot small scale eco-friendly initiatives.
  3. 3.1: Improved awareness of women for opportunities of engagement in renewable energy sector and environment protection ventures;

R.3.2: Enhanced capacities of policymakers and public stakeholders to identify and address barriers of women engaged in environmental protection standards.





Name of Project:                    Pilot interventions for wastewater treatment and solid waste management in the cross-border region

Thematic Priority:                  Protecting the environment, promoting
climate change, adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and

 Implementing Institution:     Municipalty of Novo Brdo, Kosovo – Lead Applicant

Municipality of Gjorce Petrov, Skopje, North Macedonia





Duration:                                22 Months

Project Value:                         EUR 466,590.03

EU Contribution:                    EUR 396,602.03

Co-financing:                          EUR 69,988


The economy of Novo Brdo is predominantly based on agriculture, rural tourism and small trade businesses. There are approximately 280 registered private businesses, and there are no updated data available on the number of employees in the private sector. The overall status of the infrastructure in the municipality is assessed as poor. Only 10 villages are connected to water supply and sewage systems, five villages are connected to the sewage system only and two only to the water supply. The collection and disposal of the communal waste in the municipality of Novo Brdo is far from satisfactory. At the moment there are estimated 2150 households with a total of 7574 residents, in 33 rural settlements. Out of 2150 households, some 800 do not pay garbage collection fees, while 150 households are not covered at all with communal waste collection services. There are also 36 public institutions (17 primary schools, 9 out-patient clinics, Department of Social Services, Employment Agency, two police stations, local fire station, municipal court, municipal building, etc.) which are not properly equipped with communal waste disposal containers. It is estimated that around 1.200 households in Novo Brdo rural settlements are in need of new communal waste disposal bins with the capacity of 120l. Similarly, the 36 public institutions need an estimated 108 containers for selection of communal waste (glass, paper and plastic) with the capacity of 240l.

At the moment there is a clear lack of essential public services – access to an environmentally friendly sewage and waste water treatment systems in the village of Orman, Gjorche Petrov. The village of Orman has only a water supply network while the sewage network and waste water treatment facility are lacking. The waste water and faecal matters are stored in individually built septic tanks (around 500) located usually in the yards of the private houses in the village of Orman. These septic tanks are emptied individually by the households most frequently irregularly i.e. not in accordance with the existing standards, or in worse cases not emptied at all. Their contents are released illegally and without any previous treatment directly in the river of Lepenec. This is also one of the main causes of the migration of the village residents to Skopje and other cities and decreased natality rate, and contributes to the increase of disproportion between the rural and urban communities of the municipality of Gjorche Petrov. Moreover, the polluted underground and surface waters, and the resulting soil contamination, violate the existing food safety and qualitative norms, for production of healthy and safe agricultural produce. Thus, the residents of the village of Orman and the 33 rural settlements in Novo Brdo are compelled to resort to practices for communal waste and/or sewage disposal, which directly contribute to the pollution of the water, food and soil.


Overall Objective: Enhance the capacity of the relevant municipal authorities for managing and decreasing the risks of environmental pollution and resulting soil and water contamination, human health hazards and contamination of agricultural produce.


Direct Beneficiaries:

(1) 546,824 residents of the City of Skopje.
(2) 351,449 residents of the East Economic Region of Kosovo.
(3) Regional and national authorities in Kosovo and in the Republic
of North Macedonia.



  • One fully equipped Waste Water Treatment plan built in village Orman in Skopje
  • One waste collection truck 7.5t bought for Novo Brdo
  • 200 km of new inserted in new sewage plan
  • One Joint Local Environment Action Plan with two separate chapters (Novo Brdo and Gjorche Petrov)
  • One Action Plan for Construction and Management of a Waste Water Sewage System (Novo Brdo)
  • One Municipal Waste Management Plan (Novo Brdo)
  • Decrease in the number of illegal dumpsites
  • 1200 waste disposal bins of 120l
  • 102 Waste disposal containers 1.1m3
  • 108 Waste selection containers 240l

Thematic Priority:                  Protecting the environment, promoting
climate change, adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and

 Implementing Institution:     Municipalty of Novo Brdo, Kosovo – Lead Applicant

Municipality of Gjorce Petrov, Skopje, North Macedonia




Duration:                                22 Months

Project Value:                         EUR 466,590.03

EU Contribution:                    EUR 396,602.03

Co-financing:                          EUR 69,988


The economy of Novo Brdo is predominantly based on agriculture, rural tourism and small trade businesses. There are approximately 280 registered private businesses, and there are no updated data available on the number of employees in the private sector. The overall status of the infrastructure in the municipality is assessed as poor. Only 10 villages are connected to water supply and sewage systems, five villages are connected to the sewage system only and two only to the water supply. The collection and disposal of the communal waste in the municipality of Novo Brdo is far from satisfactory. At the moment there are estimated 2150 households with a total of 7574 residents, in 33 rural settlements. Out of 2150 households, some 800 do not pay garbage collection fees, while 150 households are not covered at all with communal waste collection services. There are also 36 public institutions (17 primary schools, 9 out-patient clinics, Department of Social Services, Employment Agency, two police stations, local fire station, municipal court, municipal building, etc.) which are not properly equipped with communal waste disposal containers. It is estimated that around 1.200 households in Novo Brdo rural settlements are in need of new communal waste disposal bins with the capacity of 120l. Similarly, the 36 public institutions need an estimated 108 containers for selection of communal waste (glass, paper and plastic) with the capacity of 240l.

At the moment there is a clear lack of essential public services – access to an environmentally friendly sewage and waste water treatment systems in the village of Orman, Gjorche Petrov. The village of Orman has only a water supply network while the sewage network and waste water treatment facility are lacking. The waste water and faecal matters are stored in individually built septic tanks (around 500) located usually in the yards of the private houses in the village of Orman. These septic tanks are emptied individually by the households most frequently irregularly i.e. not in accordance with the existing standards, or in worse cases not emptied at all. Their contents are released illegally and without any previous treatment directly in the river of Lepenec. This is also one of the main causes of the migration of the village residents to Skopje and other cities and decreased natality rate, and contributes to the increase of disproportion between the rural and urban communities of the municipality of Gjorche Petrov. Moreover, the polluted underground and surface waters, and the resulting soil contamination, violate the existing food safety and qualitative norms, for production of healthy and safe agricultural produce. Thus, the residents of the village of Orman and the 33 rural settlements in Novo Brdo are compelled to resort to practices for communal waste and/or sewage disposal, which directly contribute to the pollution of the water, food and soil.


Overall Objective: Enhance the capacity of the relevant municipal authorities for managing and decreasing the risks of environmental pollution and resulting soil and water contamination, human health hazards and contamination of agricultural produce.


Direct Beneficiaries:

(1) 546,824 residents of the City of Skopje.
(2) 351,449 residents of the East Economic Region of Kosovo.
(3) Regional and national authorities in Kosovo and in the Republic
of North Macedonia.



  • One fully equipped Waste Water Treatment plan built in village Orman in Skopje
  • One waste collection truck 7.5t bought for Novo Brdo
  • 200 km of new inserted in new sewage plan
  • One Joint Local Environment Action Plan with two separate chapters (Novo Brdo and Gjorche Petrov)
  • One Action Plan for Construction and Management of a Waste Water Sewage System (Novo Brdo)
  • One Municipal Waste Management Plan (Novo Brdo)
  • Decrease in the number of illegal dumpsites
  • 1200 waste disposal bins of 120l
  • 102 Waste disposal containers 1.1m3
  • 108 Waste selection containers 240l

Thematic Priority:                  Protecting the environment, promoting
climate change, adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and

 Implementing Institution:          Municipality of Prizren

Municipality of Tetovo

Foundation Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development – CEED Macedonia


Duration:                                24 Months

Project Value:                         EUR 466,590.03

EU Contribution:                    EUR 396,602.03

Co-financing:                          EUR 69,988


Overall Objective: To accelerate tourism development in Polog and South Economic Regions (municipalities of Tetovo and Prizren) through improved quality and diversified offer of crafts and micro tourism and hospitality (THS) sector entities, resulting in increased attractiveness of the region, and more satisfied visitors.

Specific objective: Created and launched new touristic content and new opportunities for better presentation of local and traditional crafts products, through infrastructural interventions in both Tetovo and Prizren municipalities.


Activity 1.1: Creation of two attractive crafts’ lanes (infrastructural intervention);

Activity 1.2: Capacity development activities (training programs and mentorship)

Activity 1.3: Developing a new offer and activities for promotion of crafts and cross-border cooperation;

Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Tourists, domestic and foreign;
  • Local inhabitants of both regions;
  • Local household economies;
  • Specific interest groups including environmental, religious, cultural heritage protection agencies and women Í entrepreneurship groups;
  • other tourism sector businesses such are the hotels, ļ restaurants, etc



R.1.1: Renovated and created 2 new touristic sites (one in each country) -revitalization of part of the historic centers, creating attractive crafts’ streets;

R.2.1: One training program for craftsmen/women and micro THS businesses (with several modules/topics) designed and delivered to at least 2 groups;

R.2.2: Mentoring sessions organized and delivered (personalized sessions for training participants);

R.3.1: Two joint workshops for tour operators and crafts businesses organized and delivered -focused on developing new touristic offer based on crafts

  1. 3.2: New touristic offer based on crafts developed and included in local tour operators offers;
  2. 3.3: Two crafts fairs organized (one in Tetovo, one in Prizren) for promotion and visibility of the crafts businesses, the municipalities and the regions;
  3. 3.4: One joint business linkages event organized for promotion of the newly developed touristic sites and touristic offer;
  4. 3.5: At least 4 new offers/products included in the local tour operators offer;
  5. 3.6: At least two promotional videos recorded;
  6. 4.1: Two survey reports developed (one from the baseline survey and one final);