
Fourth regional CBC Forum


EU-funded multi-beneficiary project ‘Cross-border Institution Building – CBIB+ Phase II’ in close cooperation with the European Integration Office of the Government of Serbia, under the auspices of the European Commission (EC), on the 23rd and 24th of February organized the Fourth Regional CBC Forum in Belgrade, Serbia.

Over 80 representatives of the institutional structures managing the EU-funded cross-border programmes under the Instruments for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA and IPA II) took active part in this event. The participants came from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo, all beneficiary territories of the financial assistance provided by the 2007-2013 IPA and 2014-2020 IPA II.

The main topic of the Forum was the Evaluation of the IPA CBC Programmes 2007-2013 and lessons learned through the implementation of these programmes. Also the start of the new IPA CBC Programmes 2014-2020 was part of the discussion and the improvement of the implementation of the programmes, management of the programme, future strategic projects and performance framework was also part of the Forum work.

Representing the IPA CBC Programme Kosovo – Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in Forum participated the CBC Programme Manager Mr. Dardan Sadriu and Mrs. Arbena Abrashi from the EU Office in Kosovo, representatives of the Operating Structures: the General Secretary Mrs. Rozafa Ukimeraj, Mr. Besim Kamberaj and Mr.Trim Berisha from the Ministry of Local Government Administration of Kosovo, Mrs. Nita Krliu from Ministry of Local Self Government in Skopje and the Head of JTS Mrs. Albertina Binaku.

For more information about the Forum please click here.